

的 quarter’s estimated expenses (tuition, 所需的费用, 自助餐厅用餐计划, 租金, 预计的书本费和其他费用)加上任何以前的余额,减去任何授予的经济援助,在学生获得新学期的经济许可之前支付. 



Finance charges will accrue on a past due balance.

的 quarter’s estimated expenses (tuition, 所需的费用, 自助餐厅用餐计划, 租金, 估计的书本费和其他费用)减去任何获得的经济援助分成三等额支付. 第一次付款加上任何以前的余额应在学生收到注册的财务许可之前到期. 第二和第三笔款项将在未来两个月内的特定日期到期. 


This plan is not available to international students, except for Canadians. 

Finance charges will accrue on a past due balance.

每月付款计划 Schedule


的 schedule of monthly payments is as follows:





Down Payment +Previous Balance












All students must complete financial clearance each quarter. 这个在线过程可以通过myWWU进行,学生需要查看联系信息(地址), 电话号码, 电子邮件地址), choose a meal plan and confirm housing arrangements, make sure all paperwork for financial aid and loans is completed, make any required down payment, and agree to terms and conditions.

的 deadline for is 4 p.m. the Wednesday before the start of classes. 学生 missing this deadline will have their classes dropped. Because other students may be waitlisted for one of these classes, 学生在完成财务清算后不能保证恢复到预定的课程.

During the financial clearance process, 学生将有机会审查和批准/拒绝几个权限(学生也可以在myWWU上更改他们的答案):

  • Send the student a paper copy of their monthly statement of account
  • 寄给父母/担保人/其他人一份他们每月的账单
  • 允许家长/担保人/其他人与沃拉沃拉大学讨论学生的财务状况
  • 允许沃拉沃拉大学在学生的手机上留下自动留言(语音或文字)
  • 允许沃拉沃拉大学使用最多200美元的超额第四章财政援助来抵偿之前的余额*
  • 允许沃拉沃拉大学保留学生超额的第四章经济援助,直到要求支付*
  • 允许沃拉沃拉大学使用学生的超额第四章经济援助来支付学费和杂费以外的费用, 校园房屋, 自助餐厅和书籍 (examples: club dues, 活动, 快递费用)*
  • 允许直接向他们的账户申请华盛顿州的财政援助.

*“第四章”基金包括大多数联邦财政援助项目,包括贷款和赠款. 当学生的第四章助学金超过学杂费时,就会出现“超额第四章助学金”, 校园房屋, 自助餐厅和书籍. This is common for graduate students. This is not common for undergraduate students, except when pa租金s take out large PLUS Loans, but we are still required to ask permission.

Walla Walla University offers two automatic payment plan options. To set up an automatic payment plan, go to payment.wallawalla.登录,进入帐户菜单,点击付款计划,然后添加新的付款计划.

1 -每月应付金额

本季度的费用(加上任何以前的余额,减去任何已授予的经济援助)将使用以下列出的在线支付方式之一作为自动收费处理. 的se payments are processed around the 25th of each month. At the end of the school year (or sooner if a student finishes midyear), a final charge or credit is applied using the payment method.

During financial clearance, 采用这种自动付款计划的学生可以选择在当天处理首付款,也可以推迟到到期日付款. 的 due date will be the 25th of the month, or the financial clearance deadline date, whichever occurs first.

许多人选择这个选项,因为它减少了安排付款的时间,并使用户有资格获得许多信用卡公司提供的奖励(飞行里程), 折扣, 退税, 等.).

2 -经常性金额

的 same amount is processed each month, on the date of your choosing. 当你设置这个的时候, 你指定日期, 金额, and how many times you wish the payment to be processed.  Because some students use this to pre-pay expenses, these payments are processed even if the account is paid.

逐月出具上月费用的分项报表.  A student may choose to receive a copy of their paper statement. 学生可以要求将副本邮寄给第三方,如家长或赞助商. All students have access to electronic copies of their statement. 除了, 学生可以授权其他人以电子方式访问学生的对账单和账户费用.

Cash is accepted at the 会计 Office:



College Place WA 99324




204 South 学院大街nue

College Place, WA 99324

Personal checks submitted for any tuition, 费用, 书, 或其他费用应在支票面上写上学生的全名和身份证号.  没有这些信息的个人支票将由WWU工作人员写在学生的身份证号码上. 支付人是否不希望在他们的个人支票上写上学生的身份证号码, payment should be submitted by cashier’s check, 汇款单, 信用卡, or cash (in person only at the 会计 Office).

Electronic check payments may be made online at themindbehind.net/payment. 的se payments require bank approval, 如果因资金不足或账号错误而退款,则需支付25美元的费用. 的re is no fee for valid electronic checks. 这些款项在提交后立即记入学生账户.

Debit/Credit card payments may be made online at themindbehind.net/payment. 通过电话或亲自付款均可通过同一网站处理. 世界大学接受美国运通®、发现®、万事达卡®和Visa®信用卡. 信用卡是2.25%手续费. 的re is no fee for debit card transactions.  这些款项在提交后立即记入学生账户.

学生和其他希望以电子方式转账(电汇)的人应联系WWU会计办公室的Jordan Strode,电话:(509)527-2312.

财务费用 在结算单到期日之前,学生的帐户中每一项未支付的费用将会被征收吗. 的 财务费用 is computed at the rate of one percent (1%) per month or an annual percentage rate of twelve percent (12%) on the past due balance.

过期余额的计算方法是用该报表的到期金额减去任何付款, 学分, or financial aid received by the statement due date.  根据学校的决定,可以在月底之前给予宽限期.  剩余的欠款余额,如果有的话,乘以百分之一得到周期 财务费用.  的 minimum 财务费用 is $1.

By action of the 校董会 of the University, a diploma may not be released until the following criteria are met:

的 student’s account is paid in full.

的 student has paid off any short-term loan co-signed by WWU.

的 student’s Nursing, Perkins, or institutional loans are current.

的 student’s loan exit interviews are complete. 


由于沃拉沃拉大学的财政状况和经济的波动, 行政和董事会保留在整个学年调整成本和政策的权利,以取代已发表的声明.